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Saturday, June 30, 2018

6 action-packed Modules Series novels FREE? IT CAN'T BE! ONE TIME ONLY? THAT'S A STEAL-PORTUNITY!

What's more is for the next 6 days (Sunday through Friday), we're going to be posting a chapter or more from every book in the series for your reading, reviewing pleasure.

Meet Catina Salsbury!

(Or Cat, depending on her mood).

In a new reformed era of intelligent design where students’ personality traits and intelligence are tested, color-categorized, and grouped together, the tests, alone, determine their future placement, but their behaviors determine their fate. And Catina tested Purple.

So what’s the problem?

1.   Cat is belligerent and unruly, impulsive and unpredictable while sporting a quirky sense of humor and she has no intention of changing who she is.

2.   They’re calling for the elimination of all Purples, but she’s the prodigy they’re looking for with the highest IQ to sell their new Design. They need to change her personality … or else.

3.   Catina’s twin sister tested Pink, after being taken from their home, and she’s determined they not be separated at whatever cost, even if it means termination from the Modules.

4.   Termination means death … or worse. (But what could be worse than death?)

5.   Oh, and she also picked up some pretty neat abilities that others don’t have along the way.

So what does this mean for Catina?

Catina’s gotta take down the Modules, even if it means starting a Revolution and taking on the world.

Too bad the pesky Commanding Officer of High Intelligence, Garrett Stavinski, would rather kidnap her and contain her and send her to male-only military barracks to keep her eternally under his watchful eye, but every time she conspires to kill him and escape, he leads her to question whose side he’s actually on. Afterall, he’s a Purple, too - the only one left, aside from her, and Catina just happens to be the only person he’s ever tested compatible with and the only person he claims to have ever loved.

Cat’s take on it is? Too bad life’s not a fairy tale.

She will never stop fighting to have back all that was taken from her when she was only 12 years old … even if it destroys her … or everyone else!

Almondie Shampine spent 5 years working on this 6-book series to share it all with you for free this Independence Day Week(end), so if you like your free books, then don't be shy to pay it forward by taking a moment to share, review, or drop an email/message to the author your thoughts.

For more information on FreeBird Express Publishing's Paying It Forward Program & the myths and facts about reviews, check it out here:

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